Become a Sponsor

Corporate and individual support is crucial in helping BACA Barbados achieve its mission. Contact us to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

Many of you have been giving your support in various ways and continue to be with us as we work to move the project from dream to reality. We need more than ever to increase our pool of donors and sponsors as we seek to fill this void in our healthcare system. We look forward to welcoming you as a sponsor. As an individual, you would be aware of the deep personal satisfaction that could be derived from being associated with this very worthwhile project. We look forward to welcoming you on board.


We have listed a number of exciting opportunities for both individuals and companies to partner us in one of our fundraising events. We also encourage you to host an event. Just contact us to discuss your idea.
Corporate Sponsorsip

As a company, you can raise the profile of your brand whilst demonstrating your commitment to the Hospice. We truly appreciate your involvement with the Barbados Hospice Project. When you sponsor the project in any way, we will ensure that your support is evident. When you join us as a corporate sponsor and contribute……. Your logo is displayed on our sponsorship wall for a period of 1 year

Leave a gift in your will

You can continue to touch hearts and lives after you have passed on. A gift of any size in your Will supports the sustainability of the Hospice. It means that we can continue to provide and grow our services to meet the needs of our patients. Should you choose to remember the Barbados Hospice in your will, we promise to use your generous support where it will have the most impact for our patients.

Monetary Donation

Your personal donation makes a difference. When you visit our donation page, you will be able to decide if you want to make a one- time donation or whether you want to give a monthly donation. Whichever you choose, your donation is deeply appreciated.

Donation in Lieu of Flowers

Some of our supporters have asked friends and family to make donations to the Hospice as an alternative to sending floral tributes in memory of their loved one. Once the family has agreed that this is what they want to do, a member of the fund raising team will attend the service. We provide envelopes for the collection, do the collection and provide a final tally of the amount donated in your loved one’s memory.

Host a Fundraiser

Some of our supporters have offered to host a dinner or a tea party at their home as a fundraiser for the Hospice. We are deeply grateful to these very special friends of the hospice. If you would like to, contribute to the hospice fund in this way, just let us know. We look forward to sharing your fabulous and fun photos on our website.

Donate your monetary birthday gift

Having a birthday party and don’t need another gift? Share your birthday with the Barbados Hospice. Ask your friends to give a monetary gift which you can then donate to the Hospice. These ongoing donations will go a long way towards making the hospice project a sustainable one.

Contact us